The Art of Blogging

Back in the day it wasn’t as easy to get your work out there. The boom of social media has changed that.

Complete global access, interaction and impact. The power of exposure that is now in the hands of ordinary people and not only mass medias and the corporations that own them.

The online world is a whole other dimension. A system that operates without control. The beauty of freedom.

So how can it be used?

“Creative Geniuses” all around the world are making use of social media platforms to get their work out there. Work that governments wouldn’t have allowed to feature on mainstream media sources. Work with messages which challenge society. Questions that those in power are rarely asked. Work that demands change by receiving the attention and following of people all around the globe.

On a liter note,  the use of social media platforms such as blogging serves as a vital way of getting people to be aware of you and your creative work. And it’s an art form in itself.

An artist by the name of Michael Nobbs uses his blog to inspire and encourage creatives to create on a daily basis. He focuses on making a habit of drawing and building solid platforms to be more viably creative. He is well known in the blogging world amongst creatives and therefor make a tremendous impact. That is essentially what Real8CreativeHouse plans on doing too, and we’d love it if you joined us.

So check out these examples of creatives in the industry who make super duper use blogging. You’ll see work from Michael Nobbs and forty eight other “Creative Geniuses”. It’s given to you by BOOSTBLOG TRAFFIC’s awesome article about promoting your art.





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